§ 13.64.110. Notification of spills.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The owner of a commercial facility or the persons responsible for emergency response for a commercial facility have the responsibility to train facility personnel and maintain notification procedures to assure:


    Immediate notification is provided to the city department of public works of any suspected, confirmed, or unconfirmed release of material, pollutants, or waste creating a risk of discharge into the city storm water system;


    Immediate notification is given to the "911" emergency response system if said discharge poses an immediate threat to the public health or safety and/or the environment;


    Written notification is provided to the city manager within five working days.


    Training of personnel shall assure that all BMPs are being fully and correctly implemented and that all releases of any non-storm water discharge or of any pollutant that threatens to enter the city's storm water system are immediately recognized and that appropriate response is taken in the event of such release.


    As soon as any person in charge of a commercial facility or who is responsible for emergency response for a commercial facility has knowledge of, or reasonably could be expected to have knowledge of, any suspected, confirmed or unconfirmed release of a non-storm water discharge entering, or of any pollutant that is threatening to enter, the city storm water system from such facility, such person shall take all necessary steps to ensure the early discovery and containment and clean up such release and shall immediately notify the city department of public works. In addition, written notification shall be given to the city manager within five working days. This written notification shall contain, as a minimum, a narrative describing the circumstances resulting in the release, or threatened release, the effort taken to clean up the release and the measures being taken to prevent reoccurrence. This notification requirement is in addition to, and not in lieu of, other required notifications.

(Ord. 714 § 1 (part), 2004)